Preparation for life-long learning

2025-2026 TUITION
• Payments have been rounded to the nearest dollar.
• A10% deposit and finance charge has been figured into the monthly plans.
New Student Application Fee - For all new students, there is a one-time application fee of $75.00 which is collected when the child applies to the school. This non-refundable fee is in addition to the required 10% deposit and does not apply toward tuition.
Deposit -
For New Students - A 10 % deposit is due in full upon the receipt of your contract.
For Returning Students –A non-refundable deposit of $500.00 is required with each child’s returning student application.
Interest - Interest at the rate of no more than 3.5% is built into extended payment plans.
Discounts - Families enrolling two or more students will receive a 10% reduction in the tuition of the second and each additional child’s tuition.
Financial Aid - A modest amount of financial aid is available for qualifying families. Please click here to learn more information.
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) & Child Care Aware of America (CCAOA - We participate in a reimbursement program for military families. Families wanting to request fee assistance and to determine if they live in a qualified location should visit the MCCYN website or to learn more information and submit a request.
Before/After School Care – Before School Care is available on an as needed basis for ages 3 and up as early at 7:30 a.m. (Prior arrangements must be made.) After School Care is available from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on an as-needed basis. Before/After School Care fees are not included in the above tuition schedule and separate arrangements must be made for this service. The After School Care schedule of fees is available in the school office.