Preparation for life-long learning

1st grade - 6th grade
Lower Elementary
In grades 1st through 3rd build upon completed kindergarten work with concrete materials. As a result of this early work, students progress into more abstract learning. Language, mathematics, history, geography, and science combine to form the basis of the program. Virginia's Standards of Learning are met and, in many cases, exceeded for the appropriate grade level. Students are tested in the fall and again in the spring, allowing the progress of each child to be carefully tracked. The elementary program is conducted from 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Children are instructed in Spanish and also engage in a daily physical education program including swimming, organized activities and recess. In this program children experience their first overnight study trip. Students and parents go on a two-night excursion to a location that is relevant to their current course of study. Recent trips have taken students to Luray Caverns and Washington, D.C.
Upper Elementary
The Upper Elementary program for grades 4th through 6th build upon the skills and content of the Lower Elementary course work. Children continue to progress academically and begin to take a more active role in their own learning process. Students learn about the significant historical contributions of individuals and great civilizations of the past as they begin to understand the relationship of past to present. They learn that their actions can have global impact through work with local charities as well as organizations like the Heifer project that address world hunger. In their language studies, they deepen their knowledge of grammar. The history of language and linguistic expression is explored through Latin studies. In addition, the students’ activities include drama, art and music. Students meet growing academic challenges while building a foundation of organization, self-discipline and cooperation.